Patiesā darbu secība gan bija - ierauga modināšana, ziloņa mazgāšana un tikai tad rokdarbi. Maize iet uz beigām un jāsāk domāt par nākamo cepienu. Šoreiz mēģināšu nākamo recepti no maizes grāmatas - tai ir nedaudz savādākas sastāvdaļu proporcijas un papildus ieraugam, ūdenim, sālij, eļļai un miltiem vēl arī pilngraudu milti un iesala ekstrakts.Šodien sāku, bet pie maizes tikšu piektdien ap pusdienas laiku. Tā kā ieraugs ir snauduļojis ledusskapī mazāk par nedēļu, tam priekš pamošanās nepieciešama viena diena ar 3 ēdienreizēm - laiks starp ēdienreizēm 4-6 stundas. Sāku šorīt ap deviņiem un lūk, kas man bija vajadzīgs -
The actual sequence of events however was - waking the bread starter, washing an elephant and only then crafts. Since we have eaten almost all the bread I baked last week its time to consider the next lot. This time I'll try the next recipe from the bread book - its ingredients are proportioned slightly differently than previous and it calls for barley malt extract and whole wheat flour additionally to previously required water, starter, flour, vegetable oil and salt. I started today however the bread would be ready on Friday noon. As the starter has had its nap in the fridge for less than a week it needs only one full day of feeding - 3 times a day, and 4-6 hours between each feeding. So I started at 9 a.m.this morning and I needed the following items -
Virtuves svariņus, ieraugu (burciņā), ūdeni, bļodu ar vāku, miltus. Ieliku mērcēties arī kviešu graudus, jo diedzēju tos un sablenderētus ar ūdeni pievienoju tos mīklai.
Kitchen scale, bread starter (in a glass jar), water, bowl with a lid, flour. There are wheat berries soaking, when they sprout I'll blend them with water and add to the dough.
Nākamais rindas kārtībā bija zilonis - pareizāk sakot ziloņa izmēra istabas augs, kas visu vasaru sēdēja uz lodžijas un pieņēmās zilonīgumā, bet tagad sāka salt un jānes iekšā. Pirms tam aizstiepu līdz vannai un nomazgāju. Tas ir banāns - bija jau diezgan apsalis, tomēr tā kā tas ir nevis koks, bet gan liela zāle, tas ātri tiks uz strīpas. Pirms diviem gada nopirku to Depo nocenotu - jo bija pamatīgi apsalis. Noriskēju, jo gadījumā, ja esošais lapu puduris pat nebūtu atkopies - to viegli var pavairot no saknēm. Tomēr tas atkopās un vairojas arī uz nebēdu. Man nelielu diskomfortu sagādā fakts, ka es nezinu, kas tā par šķirni. Visticamāk jau ka kāds no dekoratīvajiem pundurbanāniem, bet veikala etiķetē bija rakstīts Musa Bananas - kas neizsaka neko. Tik pat labi viņi varēja uzrakstīt Banāns Banānveidīgais. Tagad ticis siltumā cerams, ka ātri atkopsies un piedos man tās dažas liekās nedēļas, kuras noturēju viņu uz lodžijas un neienesu iekšā jau septembra sākumā........
The next on my to do list was an elephant - actually an-elephant-size container plant, that has been sitting on my balcony all the summer and getting any more an-elephant-size. Now its obviously too cold for it, so I somehow took it to the bathroom and washed - it's a banana plant. Although it has suffered a bit from the cold weather it would recover soon since it is not a tree, it's a big grass. I bought it two years ago for a discount price since it was heavily damaged by frost. I was not discouraged by its terrible view because I was sure that even if it would not recover I still would be able to grow new plants from the healthy root system. It recovered.and give new plants from roots all the time. I am a little bit worried about the fact that I do not know what kind of banana is it - it might be one of ornamental dwarf varieties, I think so. The label in the shop said it was 'Musa Bananas' - it does not say anything! Now the plant is in warm room and I hope it likes there and I hope it forgives me that I did not bring it in some weeks earlier, in the beginning of September...
Pēcpusdienā nedaudz laika atradu arī kādam rokdarbam - esmu sašuvusi meitu bērnudārza grupiņai aizkarus un sasēju nesen uztamborētajai šallei bārkstis.
I had some time for crafts in the afternoon - sewed curtains for my daughters' daycare and finished my crocheted shawl.
Šalle ir vienkārši elpu aizraujoša!
AtbildētDzēstpaldies! :)