trešdiena, 2012. gada 26. decembris

Plus 80 sekundes dienasgaismas 80 more seconds of daylight

Kopš saulgriežiem pagājušas vien dažas dienas, bet šodien ir jau 80 sekundes vairāk dienasgaismas! Ar aci laikam nevar redzēt, bet, iekšējais pulkstenis priecīgs. Ne man vienai prieks par garākām dienām. Rudenī, kad vācu nost lielāko daļu gliemežu apgrauztā "dārza", ieraudzīju ka dažiem pipariem pie plikajiem kātiem redzami mazītiņi lapu aizmetnīši (man sajuka, kuri bija saldie, kuri čili pipari).Cienot viņu neatlaidību un cīņassparu, ienesu tos uz ziemu iekšā - ja jau tik neatlaidīgi cīnās, lai viņiem tiek vēl viena iespēja. Iekšā viņi tiešām atkopās. Tā  kā nav ne diži silts, ne diži gaišs, tad auga tā palēnām, pa lapiņai, pa zariņam. Bet kopš dienasgaisma uzkavējas kaut par dažām sekundēm ilgāk, viens no viņiem izdarīja ko neparastu - mazmazītiņš un trausls, bet savu lielo dūšu apliecināja "izspiežot" pumpuru! Tagad ar interesi vēroju, kas nu būs tālāk - nometīs vai tomēr dos kādu "ražu". Man jau šķiet, ka tāda radība, kas saskata un novērtē pat dažas papildus sekundes dienasgaismas, nepadosies :)
There have been just a few days after the solstice, however today the daylight lingers for 80 more seconds than on 21st! It might be invisible for an eye to catch, nevertheless the inner clock counts it and appreciates. I've recently noticed that it's not only me who rejoice over these few more seconds. When I tidied up the leftovers of my 'garden' after slugs and snails had been feasting on most of it, I noticed that three of the pepper (I've mixed the chilies and paprika) stalks were not quite bare. They had teeny-tiny leaf buds! Respecting their perseverance and courage I decided to give them one more chance and moved them indoors. They did quite well, leaf by leaf, however with poor light and poor heating - nothing lush, just some small bold leafs. And then - when the days grew longer, even though for just a few seconds at a time - one of them did something extraordinary. Being so small and fragile it manifested its strong will and determination by producing a flower bud! I'm exiting to see what will come out of it. Would it drop it? Or would it eventually become a fruit? I suspect that a creature that appreciates such a small thing as few seconds of daylight wouldn't give up :)

Kamēr gaisma un siltums tuvojas pa sekundei vien, jābarojas no pagājušā gada krājumiem - kaltēti un saldēti labumi, pilni saules prieka un veselības, liekami zaļajā kokteilī. Šobrīd savos zaļajos kokteiļos jaucu saldētus banānus (ripiņās sagriezti un sasaldēti tie dod kokteilim īpašu garšu un tekstūru), saldētas dzērvenes, kaltētas nātres un karkadi. Un ūdeni. Svaigums un spēks.
Since the daylight returns just by few seconds a day, we must make use of the last summer's goodness that have been frozen and/or dried. There we can find the joyful sunshine and vibrant health - and put it in green smoothies. My basic recipe for green smoothies this time of year is - frozen bananas (sliced and frozen they add an exceptional taste and texture to the smoothy), frozen cranberries, dried nettles and karkade. And plain water. Fresh and powerful.

Brīvdienas ziemā nevaru iedomāties bez vilnas :)
I cannot imagine winter holidays without some wool :)

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