adījums. Necerēti tiku pie dabīgas, nekrāsotas aitu vilnas dzijas. Savērpta, ficē satīta un sasieta, bet nemazgāta, ar aitu un senu ziepju aromātu. Ieliku veļasmašīnā vilnas režīmā un divas akurātās fices pārvērtās par divām aitveidīgām kaudzēm. Pirmais darbs bija tās satīt kamolos.
knitting project. Unexpectedly I got my hands on a natural (undyed) sheep wool. Two skeins, unwashed, smelling of sheep and ancient soap. I put it in the washing machine and two neat skeins turned into two sheep-like lumps. So, my first task was to unwind and organize them.
Nākamais solis - izdomāt, ko adīt. Nolēmu, ka man vajag īstas vilnas zeķes. Tomēr gribējās kādu smuku rakstu. Salasīju visus (reālos, ne virtuālos) adījumu rakstu avotus, kādi šobrīd man šeit Anglijā bija.
Next step - decide what to knit. I figured out I needed real woolen socks. However not plain ones. I wanted some nice pattern on them. I scraped together all sources (real not on-line) of knitting patterns I have at the moment here in UK.
Beigās apstājos pie konkrēta zeķu apraksta Simple Knitting decembra numurā un metos iekšā jaunajā projektā...
Finally I choose a specific sock pattern in December's Simple Knitting issue and dived into my knew project...
ceturtdiena, 2012. gada 27. decembris
trešdiena, 2012. gada 26. decembris
Plus 80 sekundes dienasgaismas 80 more seconds of daylight
Kopš saulgriežiem pagājušas vien dažas dienas, bet šodien ir jau 80 sekundes vairāk dienasgaismas! Ar aci laikam nevar redzēt, bet, iekšējais pulkstenis priecīgs. Ne man vienai prieks par garākām dienām. Rudenī, kad vācu nost lielāko daļu gliemežu apgrauztā "dārza", ieraudzīju ka dažiem pipariem pie plikajiem kātiem redzami mazītiņi lapu aizmetnīši (man sajuka, kuri bija saldie, kuri čili pipari).Cienot viņu neatlaidību un cīņassparu, ienesu tos uz ziemu iekšā - ja jau tik neatlaidīgi cīnās, lai viņiem tiek vēl viena iespēja. Iekšā viņi tiešām atkopās. Tā kā nav ne diži silts, ne diži gaišs, tad auga tā palēnām, pa lapiņai, pa zariņam. Bet kopš dienasgaisma uzkavējas kaut par dažām sekundēm ilgāk, viens no viņiem izdarīja ko neparastu - mazmazītiņš un trausls, bet savu lielo dūšu apliecināja "izspiežot" pumpuru! Tagad ar interesi vēroju, kas nu būs tālāk - nometīs vai tomēr dos kādu "ražu". Man jau šķiet, ka tāda radība, kas saskata un novērtē pat dažas papildus sekundes dienasgaismas, nepadosies :)
There have been just a few days after the solstice, however today the daylight lingers for 80 more seconds than on 21st! It might be invisible for an eye to catch, nevertheless the inner clock counts it and appreciates. I've recently noticed that it's not only me who rejoice over these few more seconds. When I tidied up the leftovers of my 'garden' after slugs and snails had been feasting on most of it, I noticed that three of the pepper (I've mixed the chilies and paprika) stalks were not quite bare. They had teeny-tiny leaf buds! Respecting their perseverance and courage I decided to give them one more chance and moved them indoors. They did quite well, leaf by leaf, however with poor light and poor heating - nothing lush, just some small bold leafs. And then - when the days grew longer, even though for just a few seconds at a time - one of them did something extraordinary. Being so small and fragile it manifested its strong will and determination by producing a flower bud! I'm exiting to see what will come out of it. Would it drop it? Or would it eventually become a fruit? I suspect that a creature that appreciates such a small thing as few seconds of daylight wouldn't give up :)
Kamēr gaisma un siltums tuvojas pa sekundei vien, jābarojas no pagājušā gada krājumiem - kaltēti un saldēti labumi, pilni saules prieka un veselības, liekami zaļajā kokteilī. Šobrīd savos zaļajos kokteiļos jaucu saldētus banānus (ripiņās sagriezti un sasaldēti tie dod kokteilim īpašu garšu un tekstūru), saldētas dzērvenes, kaltētas nātres un karkadi. Un ūdeni. Svaigums un spēks.
Since the daylight returns just by few seconds a day, we must make use of the last summer's goodness that have been frozen and/or dried. There we can find the joyful sunshine and vibrant health - and put it in green smoothies. My basic recipe for green smoothies this time of year is - frozen bananas (sliced and frozen they add an exceptional taste and texture to the smoothy), frozen cranberries, dried nettles and karkade. And plain water. Fresh and powerful.
Brīvdienas ziemā nevaru iedomāties bez vilnas :)
I cannot imagine winter holidays without some wool :)
There have been just a few days after the solstice, however today the daylight lingers for 80 more seconds than on 21st! It might be invisible for an eye to catch, nevertheless the inner clock counts it and appreciates. I've recently noticed that it's not only me who rejoice over these few more seconds. When I tidied up the leftovers of my 'garden' after slugs and snails had been feasting on most of it, I noticed that three of the pepper (I've mixed the chilies and paprika) stalks were not quite bare. They had teeny-tiny leaf buds! Respecting their perseverance and courage I decided to give them one more chance and moved them indoors. They did quite well, leaf by leaf, however with poor light and poor heating - nothing lush, just some small bold leafs. And then - when the days grew longer, even though for just a few seconds at a time - one of them did something extraordinary. Being so small and fragile it manifested its strong will and determination by producing a flower bud! I'm exiting to see what will come out of it. Would it drop it? Or would it eventually become a fruit? I suspect that a creature that appreciates such a small thing as few seconds of daylight wouldn't give up :)
Kamēr gaisma un siltums tuvojas pa sekundei vien, jābarojas no pagājušā gada krājumiem - kaltēti un saldēti labumi, pilni saules prieka un veselības, liekami zaļajā kokteilī. Šobrīd savos zaļajos kokteiļos jaucu saldētus banānus (ripiņās sagriezti un sasaldēti tie dod kokteilim īpašu garšu un tekstūru), saldētas dzērvenes, kaltētas nātres un karkadi. Un ūdeni. Svaigums un spēks.
Since the daylight returns just by few seconds a day, we must make use of the last summer's goodness that have been frozen and/or dried. There we can find the joyful sunshine and vibrant health - and put it in green smoothies. My basic recipe for green smoothies this time of year is - frozen bananas (sliced and frozen they add an exceptional taste and texture to the smoothy), frozen cranberries, dried nettles and karkade. And plain water. Fresh and powerful.
Brīvdienas ziemā nevaru iedomāties bez vilnas :)
I cannot imagine winter holidays without some wool :)
svētdiena, 2012. gada 16. decembris
Turpinās adīšana un manas trakās idejas Progress on knitting and my crazy ideas
Pa šo laiciņu esmu turpinājusi adīt adīt adīt. Pabeigta ir jaka, divas šalles, trīs ausu sildītāji, pusotrs cimdu pāris. Tagad mājās esot turpinu otro cimdu pāri, bet vilcienā turpinu trešo šalli. Bildes nav tās veiksmīgakās, dzīvē izskatās labāk, bet informācijas pēc tos tomēr ielieku.
Since last blog post I've been knitting, knitting and knitting. I've finished my cardigan, two scarves, three ear warmers, 1-and-half-pairs gloves. Currently I'm finishing that second pair of gloves when at home, and the third scarf when on train. Pictures are a complete disaster, however I'm posting them just for your information.
Speaking about independent thinking, I've noticed that I'm not the only one in my town who's doing things their 'own way' - someone is growing a banana tree outdoors!
Un ir vēl kāds, kam vispār nevajag neko audzēt - absolūti pašpietiekama personība!
And there is someone else, who even does not need to grow anything - a truly self sufficient personality!
Since last blog post I've been knitting, knitting and knitting. I've finished my cardigan, two scarves, three ear warmers, 1-and-half-pairs gloves. Currently I'm finishing that second pair of gloves when at home, and the third scarf when on train. Pictures are a complete disaster, however I'm posting them just for your information.
Neesmu zaudējusi noslieci uz trakām idejām. Turpinu lasīt par interesantām lietām uztura jautājumos. Esmu atklājusi, ka eksistē tāda violetā jeb zilā kukurūza. Esmu arī lasījusi par interesantiem kukurūzas sagatavošanas veidiem, kas paaugstina tajā esošo uzturvielu imantojamību mūsu organismā. Nu, protams, arī par ģenētiskās modificēšanas sniega bumbu, kas veļas arvien lielāka un lielāka. Šajā sakarā prātoju - kāpēc visi ķērc par soju, bet aizmirst, ka kururūzu modificē tik pat, ja ne vairāk? Un ēd tikai ģmo kukurūzas brokastu pārslas, ar ģmo kukurūzu barotu lopiņu gaļu un pienu... Bet tā jau būtu cita tēma. Šodien gribu pastāstīt par mazu traku idejiņu. Nolēmu pati paaudzēt zilo kukurūzu - šobrīd vairāk par pāris puķupodiem vai vienu kasti nesanāks, bet vismaz uzzināšu, kā tā aug, un papildināšu savu nelielo sēklu banku ar interesantām un retām sēklām. Tā nu nopirku veselīgo produktu veikalā raibo kukurūzu (popkornam) un nolēmu to sašķirot. Ieguvu ne tikai zilās, bet arī sarkanās sēkliņas.
I haven't lost my inclination to crazy ideas. I'm still reading and learning about nutrition. I've discovered the blue corn. I've learned about interesting preparation methods of corn, enhancing its dietary value.And, of course, I've read about the ever growing snowball of genetically modified corn. I've always wondered why people scream and kick about gm soya, but calmly and obediently continue to eat gm corn flakes, gm fed animals' meat and milk? Ok, that's a subject for another blog post perhaps... Today I just want to tell about a little crazy idea of mine. I decided to grow purple corn - at the moment I'm capable of growing just a few pots or a box (because of space limitation), but nevertheless I'll learn how it grows. And I'll enhance my little seed bank of interesting and rear varieties. So I bought a popcorn mix in a health food store - and started to sort them by colour. Now I'll have not just blue, but also some red seeds.
Runājot par neatkarīgu domāšanu, esmu ievērojusi, ka savā mazpilsētā neesmu viena, kam patīk iet "savu ceļu" - kāds te audzē banānkoku ārā!Speaking about independent thinking, I've noticed that I'm not the only one in my town who's doing things their 'own way' - someone is growing a banana tree outdoors!
Un ir vēl kāds, kam vispār nevajag neko audzēt - absolūti pašpietiekama personība!
And there is someone else, who even does not need to grow anything - a truly self sufficient personality!
Ziņas (Atom)