otrdiena, 2012. gada 10. aprīlis

Šorīt mūs sveica zelta saule, koši ziedi un zilas debesis. Tātad esam atpakaļ oficiāli pasludinātajā sausumā. 
Nekavējāmies to baudīt garākā pastaigā meklējot piekļuvi pie Temzas. Tomēr, ne mēs vienīgie, kam patīk palienes izpriecas - lielās korporācijas jau pirms mums pasteigušās tur iekārtoties.
The morning came with golden sun, bright flowers and blue skies. So, we are back in draught officially. We didn't miss a chance to embark on a long walk seeking a direct access to the Thames River. However we soon found out that it's not only us who would fancy a riparian entertainment - big corporations had already settled themselves there.

Lai arī pa upi pabradāt nesanāca, tomēr dienu var saukt par izdevušos.
Even though we were not able to paddle around in the shallow water, we had a great time.

Lasu Sandor Ellix Katz "Wild Fermentation" un kaļu plānus savam virtuves mikrozoodārzam. Latvijā man bija maizes ieraugs un kefīra (piena sēnes) graudiņi. Tas viss tur arī palika, šeit viss būs jāsāk no jauna,  tomēr nez kāpēc neskumstu, laikam jau tāpēc, ka man svarīgs ne tikai rezultāts, bet arī pats process, kas uz to ved.
I'm currently reading "Wild Fermentation" by Sandor Ellix Katz and making plans for a micro-zoo in my kitchen. In Latvia I had a sourdough starter and kefir grains, however I had to leave it all behind. Here I'll have to start it all over again, however I'm neither sad nor upset. I guess that this is because I value not only the result itself but also the process leading to that result as well.

Vēl gribētu padalīties ar kādu nejaušu atklājumu - lūk, ko nozīmē patiess dārzkopju un taupīgu saimniekotāju entuziasms.
I'd like to share with you some accidental find - this is what I call a true gardeners' and frugalists' enthusiasm.

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