trešdiena, 2011. gada 9. marts

Rudzu ieraugs un rokdarbi Rye starter and crafts

Nolēmu turpināt savu ierauga maizes mākslas apgūšanu un pagatavot rudzu ieraugu. Iedvesmojoties no grāmatas, kā pamatu ņēmu kviešu ieraugu, kas snauž ledusskapī, un sāku tam 3 dienu barošanas kūri ar rudzu miltiem. Barošanas režīms šāds:
I decided to sharpen my sour bread baking skills by making rye starter for rye breads. Inspired by the book I took my wheat starter as a basis and I am turning it into rye starter by following this feeding schedule:

1.barošana - 126g kviešu ierauga, 56g ūdens, 35g rudzu miltu, atstāj uz 4-6h
2.barošana - 84g ūdens, 70g rudzu miltu, atstāj uz 4-6h
3.barošana - 168g ūdens, 126g rudzu miltu, atstāj uz 8-12h
1st day
1st feeding - 126g wheat starter, 56g water, 35g rye flour, leave for 4-6h
2nd feeding - 84g water, 70g rye flour, leave for 4-6h
3rd feeding - 168g water, 126g rye flour, leave for 8-12h
2.diena un 3.diena
sāk ar to, ka katru rītu nosver ~280g ierauga, pārejo izlej, baro tikai 280g
1.barošana -56g ūdens, 35g rudzu miltu, atstāj uz 4-6h
2.barošana - 84g ūdens, 50g rudzu miltu, atstāj uz 4-6h
3.barošana - 112g ūdens, 65g rudzu miltu, atstāj uz 8-12h
2nd and 3rd days
Begin with weighing ~280g of starter and discarding the rest. So you feed only this 280g of starter.
1st feeding - 56g water, 35g rye flour, leave for 4-6h
2nd feeding - 84g water, 50g rye flour, leave for 4-6h
3rd feeding - 112g water, 65g rye flour, leave for 8-12h

Pēc tam vai nu cep maizi, vai atstāj ledusskapī ne ilgāk kā 7 dienas. Lai pamodinātu snaudošu rudzu ieraugu, tas jābaro 3x dienā 2 dienas.
Than you either bake bread or put the starter into fridge for up to 7 days. In order to wake up the dormant starter give it 3 daily feedings for 2 days.

Vakar bija pirmā diena, šodien otrā, rīt treša - tad ieraugs būs gatavs un tad cepšu pati savu rudzu maizīti!
Yeasterday was the 1st day, today is the 2nd day and tomorrow will be the 3rd day and then I will be able to bake my own rye bread!

Man nepietiek ar virtuvi vien, rokas niez padarboties arī ar adatām, dziju, audumiem, diegiem un tml. Tā kā "nedaudz siltākam nekā ziema" laikam vienai meitai cepurīte ir gatava, steidzu tādu pašu uzadīt arī otrai -
It is not enough for me to work just in kitchen, my hands need some work with needles, yarns, fabrics, threads etc. And since the not-that-cold weather hat for one of my daughters has been finished, I hurry to make the same for my second daughter too -

Nu un es, protams, neesmu imūna pret atlaidēm audumu veikalos... Vakar bija 15% atlaide visām precēm Abakhan Fabrics veikalos - apvienoju lietderīgo ar patīkamo un tērējot kalorijas un taupot naudiņu ar kājām aizrikšoju līdz tuvākajam Abakhan Fabrics veikaliņam. Lūk, mans vakardienas guvums -
And I must confess I am not immune against discounts in fabric stores.... There was 15% discount for everything in a nearby fabrics and craft store. So I spent some calories and saved some money by getting there by foot instead of going by bus and here you can see my yesterday's catch - 

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