It seems obvious now, that winter has settled in. However, here in South East of England winter means +10C during the day and +5C during the night. For me it is not a proper winter, rather an autumn. And even more weird to me seems when the temperatures are the same during the day and night, i.e. +8C. Nevertheless it is dreary enough to crave for something warm an hearty for lunch. So I modified a bit my favorite mushroom soup to make it thicker and heartier.
Cik vien iespējams, gatavoju no pamatproduktiem, ne pusfabrikātiem, tā nu zupai šoreiz ņēmu
-izmērcētas pupiņas,
- kartupeļus,
- nedaudz šampinjonus,
- nedaudz šitake un šimedzji (es nemaz pat neceru, ka transkriptēju izrunu pareizi) sēnes.
-1 burkānu,
- 1sīpolu,
- veģetāro buljonu, sāli, zaļumus
I cook from scratch as much as I can, so I took
- soaked beans,
- potatoes,
- mushrooms (a bit from each - button mushrooms, shitake, shimeji)
- a carrot,
- an onion,
- vegetable stock, salt, herbs.
Vispirms izvārīju buljonā pupiņas gandrīz mīkstas, tad pieliku kartupeļus, vienlaicīgi eļļā apcepu sīki sagrieztu sīpolu un uz rupjas rīves rīvētu burkānu. Kad tie apcepušies, pieliku sagrieztas sēnīte, mazliet apcepu, un visu pieliku zupai. Vārīju, kamēr visas sastāvdaļas mīkstas, pieliku garšvielas. Lūk rezultātā, bieza, tumša, sātīga ziemas zupa.
First I put beans in stock and cooked almost tender. Then added potatoes, in the same time I sauteed chopped onion and grated carrot in a bit of oil. Added sliced mushrooms to the skillet, fried a bit together with onions and carrots and poured all the mixture into the pot where beans and carrots were cooking. Cooked all together until all the ingredients were tender. Added some salt and spices and enjoyed my thick, dark, hearty winter soup.
Nu jau būs vairāk kā divi gadi kopš šeit dzīvoju un šo to esmu iemācījusies. Piemēram, to, ka "viņi" visu dara lēni un pamatīgi. Tāpēc jābruņojas ar lielu pacietību. Jebkurā saskarsmē ar kādu iestādi. Ja nesaglabāsi pilnīgi visus čekus, visas algas lapiņas un tml. papīrīšus, tad vienā brīdī tev viņus vajadzēs, kad vismazāk būsi to gaidījis. Piemēram, pēc nedēļām ilgas gaidīšanas uz viņu atbildi par iesniegtajiem dokumentiem, saņemsiet vēstuli, kur tiek prasīts iesniegt trūkstošos dokumentus - jūsu darba līguma 4.lapaspusi un apliecinājumu, ka viens no jūsu dvīņiem ir dzimis tajā pašā valstī, kur otrs. Un ne tikai papīrīšus. Un ne tikai valsts iestādes to praktizē. Arī privātbizness tādā veidā piepelna kādu lieku grasīti.
Sīka ieriebšana, piemēram, no viekala stāvvietas puses - vairums populāro lieveikalu sātvvietas ir bezmaksas, bet dažos stāvvieta ir bezmakasa, ja atstāj mašīnu līdz 3 stundām, vēl vienā no lielajiem gigantiem stāvvieta ir bezmaksas, ja atstāj līdz 3 stundām un iepērkas par vismaz 5 mārciņām. Forši, bet ir viens bet - vispirms jāsamaksā parkošanās automātā 50 pensi, tad tev izdod divus čekus, vienu, ko ielikt logā, otru, ko uzrādīt kasē, kur no pirkuma atskaita tos 50 pensus. Ha ha, un te mēs nonākam pie tā, kā pat milzu korporācijas nesmādē sīku peļņu - automāts pieņem tikai 20p, 50p, 1 mārciņās monētas. Un nedod atlikumu :)))))) Tātad, ja nav pie rokas 50p monētas, tad uzdāvini veikalam savu sīknaudiņu. Piekrītu, tas nav daudz, bet plāns viltīgs, jo tur taču katru dienu simti, ja ne tūkstoši parkojas....
Pamatīgāku ķērienu bija iekārojuši mani interneta provaideri. Maz jau tas, ka nevaru internetu dabūt bez telefona līnijas abonēšanas (un es te nevienam nezvanu, faktiski katru mēnesi maksāju to abonēšanas maksu par neko), viņiem vajag vēl kādu ienākumu. Un, lūk, ko bija izdomājuši. Jūnija sākumā mainīju dzīvesvietu. Pieteicu maiņu provaiderim, jo nolēmu, ka labāk šo pašu, nekā ņemot citu atkal no jauna maksāt visas viņu sagudrotās pozīcijas rēķinā. Nav problēmu, vecajā vietā atslēdza, jaunajā pieslēdza. Bet no vecās vietas palika modems. To neviens neprasa. Labi, ka pietika prāta/veiksmes to kopa ar ķeskām iepakot kastē un nolikt "nebaltām dienām". Nu jau decembris, bet pirms pāris dienām (tātad nepagāja ne pusgads) saņēmu vēstuli ar apmaksātu kulīti, kur to veco modemu ielikt un nosūtīt atpakaļ. Ar piebildi, ka, ja nu gadījumā modems nozaudēts, tad man būšot jāmaksā 50 mārciņas. Smalki :) Redzēs, ko nākošo šie izdomās, kad saņems savu īpašumu sveiku un veselu...
Šeit ļoti tiek reklamēts un uzspiests visus maksājumus noformēt kā automātiskos maksājumus (direct debit). Latvijas bankām būtu ko pamācīties. Jo, ja noteiktajā dienā kontā ir par 1 pensu mazāk naudas, nekā automātiskajam maksājumam vajag, tad nākamajā dienā, kad naudas varbūt tur pietiktu, automātiskais maksājums nenotiek. Latvijā būtu tā, ka tajā brīdī, kad kontā naudas gana, maksājums aiziet un tiek iekasēti tie daži santīmi par katru dienu soda naudas. He, hē, Anglijā ir labāka sistēma. Maksājums nenotiek, tev, cilvēk, jāsamaksā soda nauda kā minimums ar 2 cipariem, plus jāsamaksā pašam "manuāli" tas maksājums un vēl komisijas maksa naudas saņēmējam (arī obligāti ar diviem cipariem) par manuāla maksājuma apstrādi.
Faktiski visu laiku jāsaglabā modrība, jo šeit ir senas tradīcijas, kā pelnīt naudu. Pretējā gadījumā, viss ko varat darīt ir maksāt un pie sevis noburkšķēt - Pēterīts, cūka!
It's been more than 2 years since I live here and I can tell, I've learned a lesson or two. For example, I've learned how 'they' are trying to rip off people. And how slowly and sluggish everything is processed. Not only in government authorities - they are slow, they demand you to produce papers and slips you didn't even suspect you'd need anymore. And then after weeks of waiting for their answer you receive a letter asking you to produce something you have already showed them, but they insist you haven't. Like, for example, page number 4 in your work contract, or confirm that one of your twins had been born in the same country as the other one. So you learn to keep everything for years. Private businesses are worse. They have figured out how to rip you off quite efficiently.
Some of the examples -
Supermarkets - most of these giants have free parking lots. Some of them have free parking lots for 3 hours. But one of them is more efficient. Their parking lot is free for 3 hours and when you buy something for at least 5 pounds. Sounds fair, doesn't it? I agree. But what about their parking meters? You have to pay 50p, that is deducted from your purchase at the till. Still sounds fair. But what if the parking meters accept only 20p, 50p and 1pound coins? And they don't give any change.And their tickets don't say how much you have paid, so at the till you get only those 50p back. It's just the small change, but can you count how many people pay those extra pennies every day? Multiply those extra 10p or 50p by hundreds or even thousands of shoppers.
Supermarkets don't scorn pennies. My internet provider aimed higher, though. I changed the address in beginning of June. Kept the same provider (didn't want to pay all their additional charges for changing the provider), they disconnected their services at one address, connected at another (of course, they put several payment positions in my bill, that's inevitable). And that was that. But what to do with the modem form the old place? I was lucky enough to take it with all its wires and Co, and pack in a box. Decided to keep it on the upper shelf just in case. It is already December now, so a couple of days ago I received a nice letter from them asking to send it back (with all the wires and Co) in the attached prepaid bag. How swiftly - not even a half a year since I moved, they got me! And if I fail to send the modem back, they would charge me 50 pounds. This time they missed. I sent their property back, safe and sound. What is their plan B I wonder?
Another thing so popular here ir Direct Debits - everywhere they push it hard. But what if you are 1 penny short on the Direct Debit day? Do you think they will take the payment after a day or two when some money comes into your account and charge you some small fee for being a day or two late? Alas! They do nothing. You have to find out it by yourself (they will write you 'shortly' - after a month at least), you have to pay them a fee of at least 2 digit sum, pay the missed payment manually, and pay another hefty penalty to the payee for processing the manual payment.
So watch out. The system is well tuned. All you can do is to be vigilant, to plan ahead. Otherwise you pay and swear under your breath...